Hothouse Theatre’s Membership Scheme
It's Free and available to all who wish to support Hothouse Theatre, get involved with our projects or network with us on other projects!

To apply for membership simply email a request to

Hothouse Theatre membership scheme is aimed at including those in the Greater Nottingham area who wish to support or engage with Hothouse Theatre, in a variety of ways.

The scheme is free and open to all. So, who is it aimed at?

People who want to take part in Hothouse Theatre’s activities, people running projects that might benefit from Hothouse Theatre’s equipment, skills and facilities and people running projects that might benefit from joint funding bids, or who wish to network with us.

Oh! And people who just want to join the audience of Hothouse Theatre productions ... free of charge!

Members will receive regular updates, including news from elsewhere in Notts Theatreland, via our Oh My Nottz online magazine.

All you have to do is email us and express an interest in becoming a member for the next 12 months or a desire to join us at the AGM. It’s as simple as that!

To apply for membership simply email a request to

Members Benefits

Attendance at the AGM – 20th April 2022 - 7:30 p.m.
@ Broadway Cinema, Nottingham or via Zoom

As ever, there will be a free, excellent veggie buffet for all attending the AGM.

But if that weren’t enough, this year there will be a selection of pieces from last year’s productions, including the World Premier of the first part of Introducing Mr Charles Dickens –Part 1 – Born in Caul.

All this a great company, too.

Just email us for further details, to confirm your free membership, and for the Zoom codes if you can’t attend in person.

Drama Projects Coming Up
Members get a chance to audition for all the parts in our productions, but as well as that they can get involved with the technical side of productions, directing and even writing.

In the next 12 months we will be running a series of audio theatre projects, and we will be getting back on stage in front of an actual life audience.

Projects for 22/23 will include:

The Wooden Box
The latest new writing by Guy Jones

Hothouse will be returning to the stage with the World Premier of this brand-new adventure from the pen of our own in-house playwright.

The story follows various characters through the strange goings-on when one of them announces that they have come across a time machine that their Grand mother cobbled together ... a time machine that looks suspiciously like a wooden box.

We are looking for actors, a director, technical team etc

To apply for membership simply email a request to

Introducing Mr Charles Dickens –Episode 2 – The Road to Fame

We are looking for voice actors for this audio project. There will be a series of rehearsals via Zoom, followed by a recording session. Then there will be a load of editing, before the finished piece is released on our online magazine, Oh My Nottz.

To apply for membership simply email a request to

Classic Folk Tales

We will be continuing our folktale project producing versions of classic folk tales from around the world, using the original English versions.

The finished episodes will be streamed live later in the year and then placed on our Oh My Nottz website.

We are looking for actors and writers for this project.

To apply for membership simply email a request to

Promotion Through Oh My Nottz

Members get preferential promotion for their projects through our Oh My Nottz online magazine.

As well as acting as a platform for finish work for Hothouse Theatre’s various projects, it is a place to find out what is going on in and around Nottingham.

It gets over 120,000 hit a year, and although most events will get listed, and promoted through our social media, those involving members will be repeated promotion.

To apply for membership, simply email a request to


Hothouse Theatre is fully equipped with lighting, sound, sound recording and filming equipment. This allows us to turn almost any space into a performance space or recording space.

All members will have the potential to take advantage of this equipment, with technical support, free of charge. Obviously, this is subject to availability and agreement with staff.

To apply for membership, simply email a request to


Hothouse theatre has a Zoom contract that allows up 100 people at a time for as long as needed.

All members will have the potential to take advantage of this facility, with technical support, free of charge. Again, this is subject to availability and agreement with staff.

To apply for membership simply email a request to

Funding Bids

Hothouse Theatre has years of experience of drawing down funding.

Members are able to suggest projects for funding to the Hothouse Funding Team.

To apply for membership simply email a request to

Membership requests will go before Hothouse Theatre’s committee to be agreed.

Oh My Nottz is a HotHouse Theatre production. Co. No. 6505843 Charity No. 1154523. Tel 07963020259 email website
The views expressed in Oh My Nottz are not necessarily those held by HotHouse Theatre.
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