DIY Poets Nottingham
‘We’re nice and we are sometimes on line’

DIY Poets Nottingham poetry collective has been in existence for over ten years. The aim of DIY Poets is to give budding poets the opportunity to perform their work in public and get their work published. We want to create an atmosphere where poets feel confident about performing their work in public. We also want to get the public to see that poetry can be exciting and relevant. DIY Poets Nottingham produce an A6 free poetry magazine that is distributed in shops, cafes and bars in Nottingham city centre. We have ran spoken word nights in a variety of venues throughout Nottingham. We have quarterly showcase nights at City Arts on Mansfield Road. Perhaps you might see us there.
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DIY Poets usually meet virtually at 8pm on the first Wednesday of each month, via zoom.
Come along to share your work in a friendly supportive environment.
You will also get the chance to be involved in, organising and publicising future DIY Poets events.
For more information see
contact us page.
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newsletter to keep up with events.