Hothouse Theatre
Members and Supporters Newsletter June '24

Hothouse Theatre's AGM
Tuesday 18th June 7:30 pm @ Lincolnshire Poacher, Mansfield Road, Nottingham

All welcome.

At the AGM we will look back on the last 12 months and look forward to the next. It will be a chance to get to know more about our work and meet some of the people behind the project.

Hope to see you there.

Theatre Projects

Introducing Mr Charles Dickens update

poster Introducing Mr Charles Dickens is an audio project that started way back in the pandemic, and is still going strong. The project looks at the life of Charles Dickens using short extracts from his writing to illustrate his life.

We have reached 1838. Dickens is 26 and has just started out as a writer with Pickwick Papers being serialised. He has also just started Oliver Twist when his sister-in-law dies suddenly.

At the time of writing, we are just reaching the end of rehearsals and are trying to fit in recording sessions in between the Euros.

The finished recording will be released on Oh My Nottz in the Autumn.

Introducing Mr Charles Dickens so far.

Lillie's War/Miss Fletcher's Story Club
Title to be decided

logo Hothouse Theatre's next full stage production will be ready to go into production in the autumn.

Details are yet to be decided, but the intention is for auditions to take place in Oct with the performances taking place in Feb/March 25.

The piece will have several strong female parts and will be focused around the experiences of a nurse in the First World War.

More details will be available shortly. for details

Mermaid and the King

After the 'stage' version of this piece, we were planning to release an audio version. Unfortunately, Guy forgot to press play on the recorder during the final performance, so this will have to wait. The plan is to record in short (hopefully with the original cast) and release it on Oh My Nottz in time for Christmas.

Watch this space for details.

Youth Projects


Hothouse Youth Project has received £17,000 from Awards for All.

This will support the project over the next 2 years.

The Youth Project will be focusing on audio production producing fun audio sketches and podcast reports of various community projects and activities in the area. The finished pieces will be placed on the Oh My Nottz website.

Keeping It Wild

Hothouse Theatre's youth project is continuing to work with the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust's youth group, Keeping It Wild.

So far we have helped them produce 2 podcasts – Woodthorpe Meadows and Toad Patrol – both of which have now been placed on the Wildlife Trust podcast page and are being nationally recognised.

Our next project with the group is to go down to London for the Restore Nature Now march.

We will be producing a record of the event and the effect it has on the young people in the form of a podcast and a sideshow.

Watch this space for details.

Wood Thorpe Meadows

Toad Patrol

St Anns Community Orchard

The youth group made a slide show and podcast for St Anns Community Orchard to help promote the project.

This was based around one of the Orchard's open days and is the beginning of a hopefully long and fruitful relationship.

Community Orchard


We have started putting together audio pieces for placing on podcast directories.

So far we have placed our Film What's On report, a preview of the Nottingham Puppet Festival and A Spring collection, which brought together several short pieces into one place.

These were all under the podcast name of Oh My Nottz.

We will be putting together some Hothouse Podcasts which will feature audio drama projects from the adult side of Hothouse Theatre, shortly.

Watch this space for details.

Spring Collection

Nottingham Puppet Festival Preview

Film POd - May

Access All Areas

Access All Areas is Hothouse Theatre's project working with adults with additional support needs.

We are just starting to draw down funding for this project, the aim of which is to engage adults with additional support needs in the creation of content for our online magazine, Oh My Nottz. This will take the form of producing podcasts, audio sketches and news style reports.

Film Podcasts

The film podcasts are currently produced by Guy and Dunc, on an almost monthly basis.

The podcasts look at what is currently showing in local cinemas, what is coming up, what films Dunc has seen, and an in-depth look at a classic movie of Dunc's choosing.

Dunc is autistic.

The aim is to expand the group to involve more adults with additional support needs in the project.

Film Pod

Inspire Nottingham

We are starting to work with other projects supporting adults with additional support needs, to see how we can help them expand their work with the target group around media and drama.

Currently, we are working with Inspire to help them draw down additional funding for equipment.

We will be approaching other projects to support them we delivery.

Inspire Nottingham

Other Projects Supported by Hothouse Theatre

DIY Poets

logo A Nottingham based poetry collective. Produces DIY Poets magazine and regular poetry events.

Hothouse supports them by providing access to our Zoom account for meetings, technical support for performances, and Guy does poems.

Click here

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logo A project supporting people for whom English is a second language.

Hothouse supports them by providing access to our Zoom account for meetings.

Click here

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Keeping It Wild
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust

logo Meeting up on Wednesdays and weekends, Keeping it Wild is all about connecting with nature and each other. We are wildlife campaigners, conservationists, fundraisers, adventurers and your new best friends! We manage our own reserve on behalf of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, collaborate with and visit other trusts, and love a good board game!

Hothouse is supporting them to produce podcasts.

Click here

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Oh My Nottz is a HotHouse Theatre production. Co. No. 6505843 Charity No. 1154523. Tel 07963020259 email website
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