Hothouse Theatre’s Youth project
– drama, filmmaking audio projects for young people in the Nottingham area.

© 2024 Hothouse Theatre. All rights reserved.

Hothouse Theatre’s youth project, also known as Film Club or the Brickyard Crew, has been running for about 12 years.

It all started messing around making short films on the Brickyard Estate, hence the alternative names. It has over time developed to include reporting on fun things to do, film festivals, audio projects, and is about to start doing drama into the bargain.

The young people are between the ages of 10 – 18 and are in control of the projects they undertake, and are involved in all aspects of the productions and reports.

This page will show off some of the work of the group over the past 3 years.


Restore Nature Now March

On 22nd June 2024, just days before the General Election, 60,000 - 100,000 people, representing over 300 different organisations, gathered in central London to march to the Houses of Parliament, to demand action to stop the decline in our biodiversity and for the government to implement laws to Restore Nature Now!

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The Green Hustle 2024

The Green Hustle was a celebration of green activity in Nottingham bringing together projects looking to make Nottingham a greener and more enjoyable city.

Loads of organisations came together in Nottingham's Old Market Square earlier this summer, and Hothouse Theatre's youth group turned up to find out what it was all about.

Check out what they found out.

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The Avocado and the Flying Pig

The Avocado and the Flying Pig is short audio drama about … well sort of writing a story ... and an avocado and a flying pig.

It is a Hothouse Theatre Youth Project Production. No egos, avocados or flying pigs were harmed during the production of this drama.

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Woodthorpe Meadows
A small woodland and grassland reserve at the side of the busy Mansfield Road.

Woodthorpe Meadow is an urban oasis tucked beside a busy main road where nature blooms and it is entirely managed by our youth group – “Keeping it wild”, who are determined to protect and promote green spaces. Our miniature nature reserve is very peaceful and quant and will welcome you with a warm hug from mother nature

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The Grinch That Saved Christmas
2023's Christmas story from Hothouse Theatre's youth group

In the town of Wooville, there are Christmas goings on that wouldn't look out of place in a Hollywood epic. Good Santa has to tell his son, Bad Santa that he's not up for the big job, while his illegitimate son, a large green man may or may not be just right for the role …

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The Green Hustle 2023
a celebration of green activity in Nottingham

The Green Hustle was a celebration of green activity in Nottingham bringing together projects looking to make Nottingham a greener and more enjoyable city.

Loads of organisations come together in Nottingham's Old Market Square, and Hothouse Theatre's youth group turned up to find out what it was all about.

Check out what they found out.

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Robin Hood - A New Yarn
a retelling of the traditional tale of the Prince of Thieves.

We have been telling and retelling yarns about Robin Hood since before we felt the need to write them down ... and still we tell them.

Well here is a new take on the legend from the Hothouse Theatre youth group.

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The Watchmaker
A short audio drama

The watchmaker has been sold a strange new metal at a very cheap price.

It seems to him that it will make a very special kind of watch.

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Feedback podcast

Hothouse Theatre’s youth project, known as Film Club or sometimes The Brickyard Crew, report back on their experiences through a podcast.

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Knife Crime

The Brickyard Crew’s podcast reflecting on Knife Crime After an incident at one of the local colleges, involving the use of a knife, the group decided change the planned activity to look at this issue that is once again a major issue for young people across the country.

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National Justice Museum
Audio report and Slideshow to music

The National Justice Museum (until recently it was called The Galleries of Justice) is housed in the old County Gaol which was still operational as a Police Station and court room till the mid 1980s.

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in Sherwood Pines Nottinghamshire
Slideshow to music

Sherwood Pines is a large woodland area open to the public and full of things to do.

As well as miles of trails to walk along, a parkrun on Saturday mornings for those of you mad enough to do that kind of thing and a really nice café for those who don't, there is also a Go Ape - for people with a problem with walking at ground level and there are cycles for hire.

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The Brickyard Crew’s latest take on life the universe and everything

In a bunker, somewhere, in a place unspecified, in a time unknown, two people have been spending rather too much time with each other, doing a job that maybe no one should be doing.

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Silent Night
a Christmas Story from the Brickyard Crew

It is Christmas Eve 1914 somewhere on the Western Front.

British Soldiers are huddled around a fire, trying to keep warm and their spirits up.

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Murder Mystery
Can you find the murderer?

Follow the crime reports, witness statements and suspect interviews and see if you can find the motive, the murder weapon and ultimately find the murderer.

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Brickyard podcast April 22

The Brickyard Crew with reports on the March for Ukraine and The Ancient City of Phibonak

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Lockdown podcast Nottingham 2020 and 21

As part of the ’New Normal’ here on Oh My Nottz, we are going to be doing a lot of audio reports, plays and stories. It’s just easier when the nearest we can get to seeing each other is a meeting on Zoom.

These ‘items’ will be as varied as ever. Some will be fun, some will be serious and some will be just plain mad!

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30 Days Wild and Interesting Questions
June 2021

Ashton, Luis, Sean and Guy.

Music: Concernedape, Maroon 5 and Stormzy.

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Brickyard Micro Sports presents
The Rubik Challenge

As part of the ongoing attempt to alleviate the Lockdown tedium, The Brickyard Crew have put Ashton through the Rubik Cube time trial.

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Retiring Santa
The 2020 Christmas tale from the Brickyard Crew.

This year we went for an audio play rather than a film, largely due to the fact that we had to do it via Zoom!

But that is the way of things these days!

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Darth Santa

A Christmas Story from the Brickyard Crew. Part of the Accelerated Literacy Project from Hothouse Theatre.

This production is not suitable for those who still believe in Father Christmas.

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Wollaton Hall parkrun
the launch of Guy's Land’s End to John O’Groats virtual Running/Cycling Challenge

Saturday 12th of Feb saw the ‘official’ start to Guy’s epic Land’s End to John O’Groats Running/Cycling Challenge ... er virtual challenge.

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A Very Pandemical Conspiracy
a play for voices by the Brickyard Crew

The Zombie plague is gathering momentum, and the Prime Minister tries to reassure the nation. Meanwhile, somewhere else a new character, you haven’t heard of yet, is pouring over some old books in the Secret Library.

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The Village of the Scammed
a play for voices by the Brickyard Crew

A mercifully short radio play brought to you from the depths of a pandemical lockdown by the daring and somewhat head strong, Brickyard Crew!

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