items from around Nottingham and beyond

Adventures of BB Audition
An audio adventure book by Dunc Giz

This is the very first audiobook I'm gluing together, and I need someone to play the role of BB's girlfriend "Rosey"

If you are intrested then click right here

NottsYouthTrends 2024
None Such Studios
Deadline 31st July

logo Nottinghamshire's largest youth voice survey listening to the voices, opinions and demands of 11-25-year-olds living across Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire to make the city and county a better place to grow-up, learn and achieve in.

Started in 2018, NottsYouthTrends has been led by Nonsuch Studios as part of our mission to empower creativity and access to opportunity. This year NottsYouthTrends is hoping to hear from the largest number of under 25s from across the city and county as possible to create the broadest understanding of what is it to be a young person living and working in Nottinghamshire today.

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Visit our bookshop!

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Newstead Abbey Volunteer
Nottingham Together Volunteering

logo We are looking for people to work alongside our front-of-house staff to help ensure the smooth running of the Abbey when it is open to the public.

Newstead Abbey is a beautiful historic house, set in a glorious landscape of gardens and parkland in the heart of Nottinghamshire. Founded as a priory in the late 12th century, it was home to the poet Lord Byron between 1808 and 1814.

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Best Kept Village Competition 2024
Notts ALC is delighted to be working with the CPRE and RCAN to deliver the Best Kept Village Competition 2024.

Closing date 17th May 2024

logo Entry to the Competition is free. Entries are invited from towns and villages in Nottinghamshire with a population of less than 10,000. Entries will be placed into one of four categories determined by population size. The aim will be to put a roughly equal number of villages into each category with Section A including the largest villages, Section B the next largest, Section C the next largest, and Section D the smallest.

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Oh My Nottz Podcast
Google Podcasts

logo An occasional podcast featuring audio content from the Oh My Nottz online magazine. This will include what's on, festivals in and around Nottingham, reports and things that we had fun making. Items will be made by various members of the Oh My Nottz family including young people, people with additional support needs and Guy (who like to fool around a lot with voice and FX).

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US company makes historic Moon landing

logo An American company has made history by becoming the first commercial outfit to put a spacecraft on the Moon.

Houston-based Intuitive Machines landed its Odysseus robot near the lunar south pole.

It took some minutes for controllers to establish that the craft was down, but eventually a signal was received.

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Concentration Camps Are Back, So Let's Talk About Their History
Behind the Bastards

logo It’s possible the general idea of ‘building camps to hold people who’ve done nothing wrong’ goes back many thousands of years. In Episode 9, Robert is joined by Jacquis Neal (Culture Kings Podcast) and they dive into the history of concentration camps.

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to raise for funds for SCHOOL FEES and UNIFORMS
Punk 4 The Homeless
raffle draw 21st Feb

poster Punk 4 The Homeless are appealing to raise funds for the orphans of Hope Orphanage to be able to cover their school fees and to buy new school uniforms.

We are incredibly proud of the girls and young women of Hope Orphanage who have all excelled in school in previous years, often ranking at the tops of their classes! They are very eager - we're all very eager - for them to be able to continue their education and continue to grow - and hopefully even achieve their dreams of giving back to their community and doing better for the world in the future!

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Spring 2024 Course Guide
Inspire Adult Learning

logo Check out our course brochure for Spring 2024:

Our brand new spring term course guide has arrived! We've created an excellent selection of courses to ignite your passion for a new hobby or interest, or to improve your CV and employability. Flip through our guide, download it to view at your own leisure, or browse and sign up for all our courses here. We look forward to welcoming you!

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How to stop doomscrolling and reclaim your brain
Science Weekly

logo If you’ve made a resolution to spend less time on your phone this year, help is at hand. The Guardian has launched a new newsletter, Reclaim your brain. Its co-writer and expert coach Catherine Price tells Madeleine Finlay how her own excessive phone use inspired her to investigate the science behind our relationships with our devices, and what we know about how to break the cycle.

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Mansfield Town Film Festival
Submit a Film

logo Celebrate the silver screen as Mansfield Town Film Festival returns in 2024.

Bringing together a stunning mix of filmmakers with a strong focus on diverse, working-class talent from across the country, and internationally, enjoy three electric days of incredible short films shown in the beautiful Mansfield Palace Theatre - perfect for those with a love of film.

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God's Changing Body Through History
Dan Snow's History Hits

logo While many traditions regard God to be incorporeal, some three thousand years ago in the Southwest Asian lands, a group of people worshipped a complex pantheon of deities, led by a father god called El. El had seventy children, who were gods in their own right. One of them was a deity, known as Yahweh. Yahweh had a body, a wife, offspring and colleagues. He fought monsters and mortals. He gorged on food and wine, wrote books, and took walks and naps. But he would become something far larger and far more abstract: the God of the great monotheistic religions.

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Muhammad Ali
Short History Of...

logo From the day he burst onto the scene, Muhammad Ali changed boxing history. But he also influenced the American civil rights movement, the perception of Islam, the view of the war in Vietnam, and the self-branding of athletes themselves. So how did his beliefs affect his career? What drove him to keep fighting for so long - even when boxing itself was taking away the gifts that made him famous? And was he really the greatest of all time?

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2024/25 Budget savings proposals
Nottingham City Council

logo Nottingham City Council has highlighted a £50 million gap in its budget next year, 2024/25, which will have a major impact on its services.

A report to the council’s Executive Board on 19th December set out a range of initial proposals to make the savings needed to close the budget gap and balance the budget for 2024/25, which is a legal requirement for all councils. Officers have put forward various savings proposals for consideration by councillors, and as part of the process these proposals are now subject to public consultation.

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Ghost Stories: The History
History Hit

logo Ghosts have inspired, fascinated and frightened us for centuries. The belief in the existence of an afterlife, as well as manifestations of the spirits of the dead, is widespread, dating all the way back to pre-literate cultures. Whether we personally ‘believe’ in them or not, we have an awareness of ghosts and the mythologies surrounding them.

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Cost of the crown part 1 – valuing the royal family

logo In the first part of an investigative miniseries on royal wealth, Maeve McClenaghan sets off on the trail to uncover how much public money is spent on the Windsors – and what they do in return

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Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity 2024 Volunteer Sign Up
Nottingham Festival of Science
Deadline for submissions is Sunday 21st January

logo To register your interest in volunteering as part of the Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity 2024 (5 - 16 February), please fill in this form.

The 2024 festival will take place over two weeks, with the first week mainly focused around activities with schools and the second week focusing on public activities in communities across Nottinghamshire.

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How the Guardian covered 2023

logo The Guardian’s editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner, talks about how the newspaper covered a year that witnessed the Israel-Gaza war, the coronation of King Charles, the rise of AI and record high temperatures

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News Review of the Year
BBC Today programme

logo In this special edition of The Today Podcast, Amol Rajan and Nick Robinson review the year in news, featuring the biggest moments and their favourite interviews from the Today programme in 2023.

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City Arts’ Bursaries for artists living in Nottingham
City Arts, Nottingham
Deadline 12th Jan

logo RESIDENCE supports artists who have faced barriers in their career relating to class, ethnicity or disability. City Arts is offering three bursaries of £1200 to marginalised artists living in Nottingham, working in any artform.

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The Abolition of the British Slave Trade
Short History Of...

logo In the mid-17th Century, Britain dominated the Slave Trade, shipping over 3 million enslaved Africans across the Atlantic. Conditions on board slave ships were inhumane, and large numbers of enslaved men, women, and children died en-route. However, during the 18th and early 19th centuries, certain individuals started to speak up and demand an end to slavery. So who were these courageous pioneers, brave enough to challenge the status-quo? How did they fight the establishments? And what of the enslaved people who made their voices heard against all odds?

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The Science Behind Doctor Who
Science Cafe

logo Doctor Who is the longest running science-fiction television series in the world, and arguably the most popular. Filmed in Wales, it has everything from time travel, to regeneration, and a mysterious sonic screwdriver, but is Dr Who purely fictional, or might there be real science to consider?

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Buxton Festival Fringe
Take Part - Information for Entrants

logo We open for entries to 2024's event on December 1 2023. The information below and on subsequent pages is in the process of being amended but will be fully updated by the time we open for entries. In the meantime it may be used to offer a general guide. Looking for something in particular? Use Ctrl F to search for a key word or two..

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Nottingham’s Robin Hood Celebrates 30 Years
Meet the Man Behind the Bow
Visit Nottingham

robin hood Nottingham's iconic outlaw, Robin Hood, has been a beloved character for tourists and locals alike for many years. This year marks a special milestone, as actor and historian Ade Andrews celebrates 30 years of donning the famous green tights and feathered cap, embodying the legendary hero of Nottinghamshire.

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Israel and the Palestinians

logo Katya Adler and guests explain the history and context of the decades-long conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. In this episode we focus on life in the Palestinian territories of the Gaza strip and the West Bank and explore the history of how the state of Israel was created.

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Colouring in Britain
Introducing Colouring in Britain

poster Tomi Dixon asks how complete British History is and why do we only hear certain stories?

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Village Halls Inspiration Awards
Deadline 17th Nov
Village Hall Podcast

poster This year in 2023, together with Allied Westminster – the home of VillageGuard, the UK’s most popular Village Hall insurance – we’ve launched THE VILLAGE HALLS INSPIRATION AWARDS. The Awards feature three prizes, with 3rd place receiving £1,000, 2nd place receiving £1,500 and our top award will be £2,500. That’s a total prize fund of £5,000 up for grabs!

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How Wealth Changes People
Paul Piff
Sustainable Human

logo For a moment, think about playing a game of Monopoly. Except this game's been rigged, and you've got the upper hand. You've got more money, more opportunities to move around the board, and more access to resources. How might that experience of being a privileged player in a rigged game change the way you think about yourself and regard that other player?

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Trustee vacancies
Nottingham Women’s Centre

logo Could you be one of our new Trustees? We’re looking to recruit new members of our Board including a Treasurer and a Secretary.

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Mountbatten Hospice Wing Walk 2024
Emily Jones

poster In 2024, I am taking to the skies and taking part in the first charity Wing Walk on the Isle of Wight in aid of the wonderful Mountbatten Hospice on the island who looked after my lovely Dad and our whole family in his final weeks. 5 years on I still remember the names of all the carers and nurses who showed us all such love and care.

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There Is More Than One Kind Of Intelligence
George Monbiot

logo This video is dedicated to anyone who thought they were not intelligent because their mind did not work the way that school wanted it to.

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The Punching Up Movie Podcast
Damian Asher and Adam Nightingale

logo Two old friends and movie lovers discuss established classics that they like and loathe.

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Request free help
for a community project in Nottingham

logo Know a local charity or community project in Nottingham which needs assistance with a physical task? There are hundreds of GoodGym volunteers ready to help.

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Heritage Buddies
a new partnership for NCVS with Historic England

logo The project aims to help people appreciate the value of their local heritage and the local historic environment, experience how it can positively benefit their health and wellbeing, widen the access to heritage organisations and activities they offer, support active participation in engaging with the historic environment and strengthen community cohesion and pride of place.

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Windrush: A Family Divided

logo Professor Robert Beckford and his Jamaican-born wife, Jennifer Beckford, argue the pros and cons of Windrush 75 years on.

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NCVS is currently recruiting
Deadline 14th Aug

logo Practice Development Unit (PDU) Events Coordinator

The role is initially for 12 months with a possible extension dependent on funding. Secondments and job shares will be considered.

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How the Windrush generation shaped British culture

logo It is 75 years since HMS Empire Windrush docked at Tilbury in Essex. Authors Colin Grant and Patrice Lawrence and publisher Sharmaine Lovegrove reflect on the cultural legacy of that moment and how it has shaped their work

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Community Conversations
Series 2
City Arts

poster A new podcast series will focus on the lives and work of Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent artists from Nottingham. Series 2 of the Community Conversations podcast will explore the barriers that disabled creatives face, as well as looking at how disability informs their artwork.

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60 Years of The Beatles
Anniversary of The Beatles first official No.1 single

the beatles A collection of radio programmes to celebrate 60 years since the Beatles hit No. 1 for the first time.

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How Germs Made History by Jonathan Kennedy

logo Pathogenesis: How Germs Made History by Jonathan Kennedy explores how pathogens have been the protagonists in many of the most important social, political and economic transformations in history - the demise of the great empires of Antiquity, the transformations of Christianity and Islam from small sects in Palestine and the Hijaz to world religions, the devastation wrought by European colonialism in the Americas and Africa, and the creation of the modern welfare state.

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Frontlines of Journalism
1. Off Balance

logo In the spring of 2023, twenty years after the Americans, the British and their allies invaded to overthrow Saddam Hussein, BBC International Editor Jeremy Bowen was reporting from Iraq for the BBC. He described the invasion as 'a catastrophe'.

Taking you to some of the most difficult stories Jeremy and other journalists have covered; in this episode - why impartiality is not about trying to get perfect balance, the truth lying somewhere in the middle.  Often it does not.  

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Oh My Nottz is a HotHouse Theatre production. Co. No. 6505843 Charity No. 1154523. Tel 07535138506 email guy@hothousetheatre.com website www.hothousetheatre.com
The views expressed in Oh My Nottz are not necessarily those held by HotHouse Theatre.
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