Introducing Mr Charles Dickens
Stave 1 - The Early Years; Part 1 - Born in a Caul
Featuring extracts from, David Copperfield and A Christmas Carol.

Created by Guy Jones. Incorporating the words of Charles Dickens. This is a Hothouse Theatre Production. Starring Sheila Sly, Clare Stewart, Sheridan Sinclair and Guy Jones

Charles Dickens is perhaps the most famous writer of fiction in history. In his day, he was also probably the most famous person in the world, with the possible exception of Queen Victoria or Napoleon Bonaparte.

Many of his stories are still, 150 years after his death, well known and regularly turned into film, TV series or theatre productions. Like most writers, Dickens often used real incidents to help create the storylines and characters that filled the pages of his books.

Introducing Mr Charles Dickens is an audio project, exploring the real life of Dickens, using extracts from his writing to give a flavour of how his own experiences coloured his writing.

It will be produced in 5 Staves (a term taken from A Christmas Carol which is presented in 5 “Staves”), each Stave will be presented in two halves.

Stave 1 - The Early Years; Part 1 - Born in a Caul

by Guy Jones
A Hothouse Theatre Production
Featuring extracts from, David Copperfield and A Christmas Carol.

Sheila Sly, Clare Stewart, Sheridan Sinclair and Guy Jones.

Music: Guy Jones


Oh My Nottz is a Hothouse Theatre production.

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Open Auditions – Introducing Mr Charles Dickens
Stave 3 - The Road to Fame
Will be held in the New Year.
To reserve a place use the email link below.

Introducing Mr Charles Dickens

Oh My Nottz is a HotHouse Theatre production. Co. No. 6505843 Charity No. 1154523. Tel 07963020259 email website
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