Poetry Books
Crone Chronicles
Sue Allen, Laura Grevel, Clare Stewart
Big White Shed

Three Nottingham-based friends, self-identifying crones, explore the experience of older women through poetry. Sue, Laura and Clare met through DIY Poets, and are active performance poets, with a number of publications to their names and have appeared in numerous poetry festivals around the country. They are all involved in running Women Write at Nottingham Women’s Centre.
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(Re)framing the Archive
by Panya Banjoko

The poems in (Re)framing the Archive derive from Panya's personal engagement with museums over two decades and as the founder of Nottingham Black Archive. They are an attempt to give space to those voices that are otherwise submerged and highlight the disparity in underrepresentation of Black people as curators of their own history. They can be seen as an intentional social and political act of activism providing a space for political thought, discussion, and action.
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Dream of the Orchid Pavilion
Hongwei Bao

Informed by his life experience as a queer Chinese migrant living in the UK, Hongwei Bao’s book ruminates upon love, intimacy, memory, heritage and identity.
On a late spring day of 353 CE, to celebrate the Spring Purification Festival, a group of forty-two Chinese literati gathered by a zigzagging brook playing a social game. Small cups filled with rice wine flew downstream. If a cup stopped in front of a person, they must either compose a poem or drink the wine. Thirty-seven poems were composed on that day, and a lot of rice wine were consumed. What if we could travel in time and join them in the party?
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Matters of Life and Death
by Keith Ford

Matters of Life and Death is a sensitive and funny book of poetry about Life... and Death, whichever way you look at it! Start with one, flip it up and turn it over to read the other side!
Keith Ford was born and bred in South Shields, refined and defined in Nottingham. He is the non-musical half of the acoustic duo Mr Ford and Mr Gibbs, the non-hip-hopping half of the Dad Rap duo Geordie Genes.
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mark gwynne jones

‘Drawing on an ancient tradition, these captivating and slightly mad, mind-altering poems tackle the complexities of our changing world with a beautiful and savage humour.’
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Earth's Restless Hum
by Anne Holloway

Second collection of poetry by Anne Holloway.
The poems in this book were written during the last 5 years - years spent racing, stopping and then re-starting.
"Women hum under their breath,
and I wonder how the song sounds
when they sing it loud."
Did you know the earth hums? Something to do with oscillation, resonating, like a bell...
these poems are me humming.
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27 poems from 20 poets
edited by Anne Holloway
Big White Shed

We invited the poets who have worked with us over the years, to submit poems which capture the spirit of winter for them. We have gathered 27 poems from 20 poets - they are funny, thoughtful, joyous and sad - they are about nature, the weather, the landscape, and the nature of we humans, as well as our winter festivals and habits all gathered into a tiny book measuring148mm x 148mm
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Diagnosis Alzheimer's Dementia
Michelle Hubbard

"The DAD collection of poems by Michelle Hubbard, is a truly profound, poignant, at times visceral, painful essay: on a daughter’s loss, ambiguous grief observing a beloved parent’s dementia and subsequent death. This is encapsulated in the line from the poem Hurting This Much, ‘I never grieved so selfishly for a death without a body’. These poems offer beautiful elegy, evoking tender memories, as well as frustration, rage at both a cruel illness, and current NHS/ Social Care Home policies and provision."
Carol Leeming MBE FRSA
Poet & Inter-Disciplinary Artist
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Touching you
by Kevin Jackson

A debut collection from UK-based poet and spoken word performer Kevin Jackson. Written in a "free-thought style, using spacious imagery and generous musicality" (Matt Miller, BBC Verb New Voice Winner, poet & performer), these poems look with love's fierce eye at personal and social stories in our modern world, inviting the reader to share the journey and meet their own emotions.
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In The Moment
by Guy Jones

A collection of poems and short stories performed by the author Guy Jones, in Nottingham, Derby and Leicester.
Guy is the 'writer in residence' for Hothouse Theatre, a community theatre project in Nottingham. He has written several fringe style plays and short films for Hothouse.
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Steel Tipped Snowflakes – 1
Becca Miles, Izzy Rhiannon Jones, Laura Voivodeship,

A trilogy of poetic voices, encapsulating rage, angst, fearlessness and insistence on being heard. Each poet is poised on the edge of prominence, and brings her own vision of the world: how their elders have handed it on, and how they wish to see it remade.
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Ten: poets of the new generation
Edited Karen McCarthy Woolf

Ten: poets of the new generation presents the work of ten exciting British poets from diverse backgrounds. It is the third anthology from The Complete Works poetry mentoring scheme, a national programme supporting exceptional black and Asian poets founded by the writer Bernardine Evaristo in 2007.
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Random Trail
by Vron McIntyre

Random Trail is a collection of poems touching on diverse themes including family, magic, science, nature, humour and randomness where you will encounter turnips, netball hoops, deep time, caves, architecture, hills and mohair.
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writing at risk
by Vron McIntyre

A Lyric Essay combines poetry, memoir, essay with references, and impassioned rant to address questions about daring to write our unvarnished truths and how much we need to do so. With reflections on writing honestly, fat liberation, feminist activism, lesbian community, magic and spirituality. First published in 1993, this update includes an introduction putting it in present day context, and a glossary. Contains some strong language.
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Denim & Leather
Frank McMahon

There is scarcely a poet in Nottingham who hasn't met or at least heard of Frank McMahon. This collection brings together poems to give us an insight into what makes him tick. It was an absolute privelage for us to be trusted with his work and to put onto the page what he delivers on the stage.
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Serious Nonsense
for the Unbearably Festive
Ben Macpherson

Serious Nonsense for the Unbearably Festive is packed with playful poems, heartfelt reflections and laugh out loud lyrics. This collection takes you from the humble brussels sprout to those people we miss at Christmas via the secret lives of reindeer, the perils of Christmas jumpers and what happened when Granny mixed up the labels. Available through
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Serious Nonsense
for Terribly Grown Up People
by Ben Macpherson

Serious Nonsense for Terribly Grown-Up People is the debut poetry collection from Ben Macpherson. This hilarious treasure chest is packed with rhymes hijinks and life lessons with the odd fantastical creature thrown in for good measure. It is the perfect gift for every grown-up whether 8 or 108.
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First Flight
A Poetry Anthology
by the Paper Crane Poets

Paper Crane Poets is a collective of writers, based in Beeston Library in Nottinghamshire. We run fun and friendly writing workshops for poets of all ages and abilities, and we firmly believe that everyone can (and should) write poetry.
The poems in the collection (written by 25 poets from the Paper Cranes Collective) are by turns funny, beautiful, moving, and surprising.
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Rebelling Against Crimes & Exploitation
Jay Sandhu
Big White Shed

This collection of voices, stories and perspectives speaks about racism, politics, history and women's rights. The collection set out to shine a light on issues in a way that may not have previously been considered and become an educational journey to improve knowledge and help shape the next generation.
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Dream Catcher 49
Editor: Hannah Stone
Literary Magazine

It's rare that we fail to get poems about the natural world, stories about family relationships, discussions of global politics, and writing that is not necessary primarily about anything but simply putting language through a work out, testing its limits. But how often do you read an ode to a fly? Meet Kurt Cobain in Whitley Bay? Read a lesson plan for anger management? Find black holes in your pockets? Read on.
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A Backpack on his Backpack
by Lytisha Tunbridge

A Backpack on his Backpack is a collection of place and travel poems from Lytisha, published by Poetry Aloud, October 2019.
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Hear Me Crack and Melt
a collection of narrative based love poems.
by Lytisha Tunbridge

“Like an archaeologist uncovering fragments of treasure, or
a prospector discovering tiny gold nuggets, Lytisha reveals
the poetry within precious moments that might otherwise go
unnoticed, the meaningfulness of small gestures, the
tenderness of longing, the generosity of love. She brings
them all to the surface where they can shine and we can
recognise pieces of our own experience”
Chloë Jacquet
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Ten Poems about Bicycles
Various Authors

This second edition of our much-loved mini-anthology of bicycle poems is a real treat. Invigorated by some delightful new poems, the selection takes us along the highways and byways of cycling lore, from a freewheeling nun relishing the exhilaration of being on a bike on a hot summer’s day to the young man cycling in his brand new soldier’s uniform at the start of World War One.
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World Jam Anthology
World Jam, Nottingham’s global poetry and music collective
edited by Lytisha Tunbridge

The World Jam Anthology is a collection of poems written by members of World Jam, Nottingham’s global poetry and music collective. There are poems from speakers of more than twenty languages, some in their native tongue, some in translation and some in English.
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